zaterdag 28 februari 2015

Please Provide Me With A Mentor Mental And Business Coaching Explained

Please Provide Me With A Mentor Mental And Business Coaching Explained

When You Take Your Business Serious You Must Find The Right Mentor

Living in Costa Rica and "trying" to earn money on the internet and at the end almost broke after meeting his mentor after this everything changed.
After watching the movie "The Secret" his vision about life changed dramatically He start his entrepreneurship within the rel estate business and he did extremely well...until the first big financial crisis he lost everything He knew he had to change things in life fast, this was the time he started with online marketing, after moving to China Justin Verrengia and his lovely wife D. Verrengia moved to beautiful tropical Costa Rica . It was here they found there Mentor and lifetime friend David Wood, world s most weirdest and most successful online marketer with a Monthly income more than $400.000!

When you are in the online or offline marketing business you need to have at least one mentor.

There are several reasons why you should have at least one mentor in your business just like T. Harv. Eker described in his bestseller "secrets of the millionaire mind" surround yourself with like minded people and most of all contact successful people within the same business you are with, learn from themcopy and paste,watch what successful people are doing and implement this into your own business.

Finding The Right Mentor Is A Must For The Future Of Your Online Or Offline Business

Justin Verrengia, also named "The Hippie Jedi" has recently started The Weird Entrepreneurs Podcast and in Episode number four he interviewed his close friend and mentor David Wood you can listen to this interview rightHERE

To become successful with your online or offline business you will need some basic things and believe me, to become a successful entrepreneur has nothing to do with luck.

You will need a lot of time, and yes you will need some money and you will need to treat your business as a business from day one and not your business as a hobby. You will also need a great company with at least 3 years of existence and a lot of success stories and a company or system with great high demand products or services.
And let s not for that you will need a company with a proven system and a large international community of like minded positive people who will support and motivate you and you will need a great successful team which will provide you with the best training available from world s best and most successful marketers and a company or system with pays you 100% commissions, not 10 or 25% but realistic 100% commission with the best compensation plan on this planet and beyond. And last but certainly not least you will need a Mentor!
For more information about how we work and how we earna realistic Monthly income while helping others to create their own success stories take a short moment and click at the banner below the video you just saw or at the banner below this article. I would love to hear from you and would love to connect with you, you can connect with me on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ you can click at the social media signs at the top of this page.
It would be a great help for me if you could like and share this article, a big thank you in advance!
So, here you have it!

Please Provide Me With A Mentor Mental And Business Coaching Explained 


vrijdag 27 februari 2015

Your Past Does NOT Equal Your Future By Vick Strizheus One Of The World s Most Successful Online Marketer

Your Past Does NOT Equal Your Future By Vick Strizheus One Of The World s Most Successful Online Marketer

Your Past Does NOT Equal Your Future

Your Past Does NOT Equal Your Future Says Vick (Vitalie) Strizheus, today, one of the best known and one of the most successful internet marketer worldwide, who broke every existing network marketing record and he is the person who has earned more than $700.000 in just one month in the most difficult Month of the year for marketers, December.
In this video, Vick is talking about mistakes he made in the past, to provide food for his family, and he admits it was stupid and a not well thought of idea, but as the title of this blogpost tells us, our past doesn t equal our future, just as T. Harv Eker tells us in his bestseller "secrets of the Millionaire mind" your past must not influence your (financial) future.
It is something to think about, our past does not equal our future, the things we ve learned in the past do not have to influence our future, when I was young I wanted to be a airline pilot and now, years later I am an internet marketer helping people from all over the world becoming successful, if people told me years ago I would be an internet marketer in the future I would have laughed about the idea.
The bad money experiences from the past must not influence you in your future, statements like: "rich people are egoists or rich people are selfish"are some of those negative money experiences of the past or "you must go to school, find a job etc" personally I think these statements are not adequate any more, I know many successful marketers who are high school dropouts and now earning more in a month than most people will earn in a year.

Surround Yourself  With Positive Like Minded People
Do not listen to people who are less successful than you are, always listen to more successful people and surround yourself with positive people, I copy and paste successful people, and I started  long time ago to stop listening to my so called friends who tried to bring me down by saying "that internet thing does not work, or do not join that pyramid scheme" when I look back to those days and those people and take a look at them now, those "friends"are still complaining about almost anything and still at the same level, earning nothing and not satisfied with the life they are living, I am so grateful I met like minded and positive people and I am glad I made a decision long time ago to copy and paste successful marketers and start listening to them, and yes I am the guy who stayed up all night watching webinars of the most successful people like Vick Strizheus,Dave Sharpe and Dave Wood, for me these are all great marketers and great persons and I am glad I made that decision long time ago.

So here you have it!

Your Past Does NOT Equal Your Future By Vick Strizheus On Of The World s Most Successful Online Marketer 

As always thank you so much for taking your time to read my blogpost, please like and share this one with your friends it would help me a lot!
I would love to hear from you please put your thoughts or questions in the comment section below and for more information on how I make realistic money while traveling between Europe and Costa Rica please click at the banner below the video pr below this blogpost, let s lock s arms together!

Yes I Am Most Talked About Motivational Video By The Online Marketer Legend David Sharpe

Yes I Am Most Talked About Motivational Video By The Online Marketer Legend David Sharpe

The Legend Is Back David Sharpe Is Back

Here's to the Legendary Entrepreneurs of the world
Just a short blogpost with the latest already most talked about motivational video of 2015 by David Sharpe.

David Sharpe is with no doubt one of the most talked about and one of the most successful online marketers today, I write regularly about this online marketing legend and i promised my dear readers to keep you all updated when David Sharpe put out a new video to the world so here it is just released, the already most talked about motivational video of 2015 by the online marketing legend himself David Sharpe, He Is Back!

Here you will find the latest video collection of the David Sharpe Videos

donderdag 26 februari 2015

The Secret Of Young Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed And How This Secret Could Change Your Business In 2015

The Real Secret Of Young Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed And How This Secret Could Chance Your Business In 2015

If You Are Serious About Your Online And Offline Business You Need To Know this Secret

The young successful entrepreneurs seems to pop up everywhere on the internet these days, They all are not only young but also very successful and are living the lives most people are just dreaming about. Many people who read their stories on Facebook or on other social media platforms often wonder  "What do these young successful entrepreneurs know what I do not know"?
Most online marketers and offline marketers know the movie the secret, or at least have heard about it, much better if you have watched this life changing movie,But first let one of the most successful young entrepreneur and also one of the weirdest one, imagine this, this guy calls himself "The Hippie Jedi" explain the secret and how this movie changed his life in this short video, enjoy!

The Secret And The Law Of Attraction Explained By The Hippie Jedi One Of Worlds Most Weirdest Young Successful Entrepreneuers

There is a reason why these young successful entrepreneurs are so successful they all seems to connect to each other and they all seems to have anonline marketing system which does most of the hard work fro them, a so called automated marketing system.
Why are people like the beautiful Sarita Klees from "down under"Australia a young mother of 2 kids so successful started almost a year ago with no online marketing experience she has earned around $100.000, not bad for a young mother. And she is certainly not the only one people like David Wood one of world s most successful online marketers who s Monthly income is more than $400.000 ! Wh is that, why does people like Justin Verrengia, the guy in the video, also called the Hippie Jedi has generated more than $1000.000 and why he and his lovely wive D. Verrengia are earning more than $100.000 a Month? They just started the Weird Entrepreneurs Podcast, which you can listen to right HERE, already within just a few weeks after they launched the weird entrepreneurs podcast this podcast with at least 2 interviews on their podcast a week, is already number one at I-Tunes.

There must be a secret why these young entrepreneurs are so successful

Here is the video by David Wood, living in Costa Rica for some years now, he is the weird hippie guy who used to live in an old rusty Ford van on the beaches crushing all the network marketing sales records some years ago.Take a cuppa , a pen and paper, turn of Facebook and watch this video from one of the most successful marketers on this planet, explaining the secret those young successful entrepreneurs seems to know, and now, after watching this video till the end, you will discover this secret too! Enjoy!
So here you have it, now you know the secret young successful entrepreneurs know and use at a daily basis and if you want to connect with us, please leave a comment below at the comment section, better and faster is to click the banner below the videos so we can lock arms and start helping you to become a young successful entrepreneur although you do not have to be young to start with us LOL.

The Secret Of Young Successful Entrepreneurs Revealed And How This Secret Could Change Your Business In 2015


The Rise Of The Digital Nomads Movement A Lifestyle For real Or Just Another Hype

The Rise Of The Digital Nomads Movement A Lifestyle For real Or Just Another Hype

To Become A Digital Nomad A Dream Of Many

When typing the word: Digital Nomads at Google you will be amazed how many sites, names and small businesses show up, like Lea and Jonathan Woodward their website you find HERE A couple who decided to start their own company and travel the world and this is just one great example of people from all over the world giving up their rat race and start the life they have always dreamed about, without having a boss or without the need to undergo the 8 hour workday madness named work. They decided with so many others that they want to decide where to live or where to travel to and how long to work a huge difference to the "normal" life, isn t it?

But what the heck is a digital nomad? 
Okay I will try to explain this as simple as possible okay? A digital nomad or nomads is a person who mostly travels the world and earn an income with just his or her s laptop. Or they start their own small business, this type of digital nomads is still a minority and the other digital nomads are also traveling the world or stay at one, mostly, tropical place for a longer period, earning money with online marketing, promoting products or services from direct sales companies.
One of the best examples of a digital nomad family isthe unstoppable Swan family, I wrote some other blogposts about them and they are very successful and  7 figure income earners helping others to create their own online success stories.
Here is a short video of the unstoppable Rhonda Swan, talking about her "tribe" the Swan s unstoppable team enjoy!
Here is the video Rhonda Swan from the digital nomad unstoppable Swan family mentioned in the video talking about the tribe, enjoy!

Being A Digital Nomad Does Not Mean You Need To Work Alone!

You just saw some of the top online marketers from all over the world, connecting to like minded people learning from each other, to get the best training available about branding, Facebook marketing, You Tube Marketing and so much more, it is no secret that people who are connected in this industry like here in the unstoppable family tribe are also the most successful ones, hands down!
This is one of the reasons why most people who start with the online marketing business will fail, because they think they know or have seen it all and start working by their own, no live events, no connections with other like minded people from all over the world helping and motivating and training each other.
If you want to know more how we can help you to become a digital nomad just leave a comment below this post or better and faster just click at one of the banners below the video or below this text, we would love to hear from you and to connect with you!
As always, thanks a lot for taking the time to read this blogpost and watch the videos, I really appreciate this!
Please do me a favor please share this post with your friends, it would help me a lot, thanks in advance!
So here you have it!

The Rise Of The Digital Nomads Movement A Lifestyle For real Or Just Another Hype


woensdag 25 februari 2015

Digital Nomads A New Movement Or Just A Hype Traveling The World Earning Money With A Blog

Digital Nomads A New Movement Or Just A Hype Traveling The World Earning Money With A Blog
Last year I noticed that more and more blogs seems to be on the internet with beautiful pictures of mostly exotic places with people working with their laptops, the so called digital nomads.
Digital Nomads are those people who have chosen to live outside the box, mostly with just a few belongings stuffed away in a backpack or two and their laptop and smartphone they seem to travel the world and earn money easily at the beach.

The Digital Nomads Lifestyle Just a Hype Or A Realistic Way Of Earning Money With A Blog

Yes it is possible and it seems that more and more people from all over the world are want to change their "usual lifestyle" b selling most of their belongings and their house, buying a backpack and a flight ticket, and up we go to an exotic location like Thailand or Panama or one of my favorite countries, Costa Rica.

People are sick and tired of working for someone else s dreams

More and more people and no, not only the youngsters, are looking for "A Way Out" of their normal (read abnormal) lives, especially after the last financial; crisis, people suddenly realized that their so called secure jobs wheren t secure anymore and that a lot of people have lost their jobs, often jobs where they worked for years!
That s why the home based business industry is the fastest growing business on this planet, and although here the words home based business is a little strange for a Digital Nomad we all understand what I mean with this.

To become a digital nomad you should have the right company and team with you

Most of the digital nomads start with some savings or the money they got from the garage sales of their belongings but without a proper plan of action and a blueprint of the future your digital nomad lifestyle will always be a long vacation, nothing more.
The goal of becoming a digital nomad is to travel the world and earn money while traveling.
The best and cheapest way to start building at our own digital nomad future is by start blogging.

Blogging Is the most easy and most profitable way to kick start your life as a digital nomad

A blog is nothing more than a small simple website where you can change almost anything, a blog, like the one you are on right now, even the big companies have blogs because they know that it is important to generate leads and sales and traffic at a daily basis. when you are looking for an increasing monthly income than a blog suits you the best, you can blog, write about the countries you are visiting other digital nomads are blogging about the local exotic food, others are blogging about how to blog, like we do and how to earn realistic money with online marketing.

As a blogger your goal is to get as many blog visitors per day

Because the more traffic, blog visitors you will get the more chance you have people will click at the banners on your blog of the products you promote or from advertisers. There are different ways to capitalize your blog and earn money with it!

But be aware that many people will be negative and will try to put you down

Here is a short video about how to handle with negative people by Rhonda Swan from the unstoppable family at the moment she is in Panama, enjoy the video!
There always will be people who are not satisfied with the lives they are living living the 8 hour workday madness called work don t not listen to them never. Let know one steal your dream!

Live your dream live your passion become a digital nomad!

If you are interested about living the life as a digital nomad and you can earn realistic money with a blog and how we can help and support you?
Just click at the banner below the video or below this post or leave a comment, we would love to hear from you, about our dreams and your passions!
As Always thank you for reading this post I put my heart and soul in it if you liked this one please like and share this one it would help me a lot!
Here you have it....

Digital Nomads A New Movement Or Just A Hype Traveling The World Earning Money With A Blog


How To Get Much More Sales The Rebirth Of A Legend

How To Get Much More Sales The Rebirth Of A Legend

The Rebirth Of A Legend 

I wrote often about this man, for me a real legend from the industry I work in, he revolutionized this amazing industry and together with his friend and business partner they have changed thousands and thousands of lives from people from all over the world. And after almost a year in complete silence the legend is back!
Ofcourse I am writing here about David Sharpe the co founder of empower network, world s most successful and fastest growing online direct sales company. Last blogpost I wrote about how they started from a tiny hotel room in Florida back in December 2011 from where they started a revolutionwithin the direct sales industry as the real and the only inventors of the 100% commission payplan.

The Legend The Motivator the Former Homeless Guy Is Back.

How to get more sales was and is one of the main questions every online marketer and offline marketer ask themselves at a daily basis, We all need sales to earn cash that s the reality and another reality is that 98% of all online and offline marketers are not earning one dime with their business today, and that s a fact.
There are many reasons why most of the marketers are not getting the results they want and here are the most common ones:
  1. People start with an online business and think they get rich within a week without willing to work for it.
  2. People treat their business as a hobby, strange but true many people start this business and treat it as a sort of hobby "I will look into it and when I earn some money I will go to the next level". 
  3. Many people start to listen to negative people around them giving them "advice" and after a period with no results people listen more and more to the so called experts, family and friends who are negative at the end those people let them make them negative too and......give up.
  4. Most people are not willing to invest time and money into their business.
  5. Most online and offline marketers do not know how to market Dave Wood The weirdest and one of the most successful explains: "market to everyone and you end up marketing to no one" and this is so true! Mostly it is not the fault of the marketers it is the fault of their companies they are in because most of the offline marketing companies or network marketing companies do not know how to sell or how to market the right way!
  6. People think that by just posting a link on Facebook will do the job, wake up do whatever it takes read, study and work at the same time! Stop spamming other people.
  7. Most people do not even ask their selves  the question "Why should another person join my business opportunity what do I offer and how can I help them"?
  8. Most marketers are not surrounding their selves with like minded people.
  9. Most marketers do not have a mentor! To succeed in this business you will need to find a mentor, someone from your business who is already successful and than just copy and paste just do what the successful entrepreneurs do!
  10. Most of the marketers do not read, leaders are readers and that s true, start reading books like secrets of the millionaire mind a the right sight on this blog you will find many books worth reading the could change your life too!

These are the most common reasons why most people will fail with online and offline marketing, it is an amazing industry it is true but ask all the successful marketers from around the world, most of them have worked their ashes off to become successful with online marketing. But in one thing all successful online and offline marketers are united, they all have the same long term vision and dreams and goals and certainly not a get rich in a month mentality. 
Here is a recent short video from David Sharpe, enjoy!

How to generate much more sales has everything to do with.....YOU

We all need sales and if you are in a traditional network marketing company you need tons of it, because of the tiny commissions traditional network marketing companies pay their distributors, to become successful with traditional network marketing or MLM, you will need an army of distributors in our own team to start earning more than $5000 a Month.
As always thanks for taking the time reading this blogpost and if you like it please share this with your friends it would help me a lot! For more info how I earn realistic money by helping others and How I can finance my world traveling to Costa Rica (my second home) and Curacao and Europe please feel free to contact me below in the comments section or better and faster just click at the banner below the video, would love to hear from you and looking forward to connect!
So here you have it!
How To Get Much More Sales The Rebirth Of A Legend

Monday Mornings Have Always Been My Bitch By Gary Vaynerchuk An I Hate Mondays Video

Monday Mornings Have Always Been My Bitch By Gary Vaynerchuk An I Hate Mondays Video

Monday Mornings Have Always Been My Bitch

Just a short video about something what most people really hate Monday MorningsGary Vaynerchuk, a world known successful entrepreneur Here is his Facebook page.
Most people still living therat race going to the 8 hour workday madness named work.
It is also called the biggest scam in history, going to school learn the things you really don t need later in your professional life and after graduating left with a big study loan which you need to pay for the next 10 years. Than finding a job when there is no one or ending up with a job way below your skills or knowledge with of course a way less paycheck at the end of the month, than buying a house and a car and way you start living the life of the rat race.
When people told me years ago with the knowledge I have today that I need to go to school and all that sort of weird stuff I would slammed the person in the face and tell the person "STOP TRYING TO SCAM ME"!
But let s first watch this short video about Monday Mornings, enjoy!

75.3% Of The People In North America Hate Their Jobs And Hate Mondays

It is so true that most people 75.3% hate their jobs and hate Mondays! it is really crazy when you start to think of all the people going to their work they really hate, financing some one else s dreams! Perhaps you are also one of the 75.3% of those who really hate Mondays and your job. Perhaps it is about time to change the way you live and the way you earn money, just like being said in the video, the internet is full of possibilities and opportunities to change your life and the lives of the ones you love!

Stop Hating Mondays Start Loving What You Do!

Happily more and more people from all over the world are changing the way they live and the way they earn money, no more 8 hour workday madness fro them no more being dependent of your boss or company, it is about time you decide from where to work and where to live and how long you want to work and you decide with who you want to work with, take back control over your own life! Stop hating Mondays and the work you are doing right now start loving what you do!
For more info on how I earn realistic money on the internet and how I travel the world between Costa Rica and Europe and Curacao on my way helping others to succeed, just leave your comment below and I will answer always within 24 hours promised. I am looking forward to connect let s lock arms together fighting the forces of evil, let me help you to quit the rat race and start the life you really want for you and your family you deserve a much better life.
So here you have it.....

Monday Mornings Have Always Been My Bitch By Gary Vaynerchuk An I Hate Mondays Video

for more info just click at the banner below this blogpost or at the banner below this video, as always thank you so much for taking your time to read this blogpost and watch this video I really hope you have enjoyed it as much as I wrote this today. Please share this with your friends it would help me a lot, thanks in advance!

maandag 23 februari 2015

Increase Your Blog Traffic By Sharing Other People’s Content 
I ust came across an awesome tool I’ve been using to increase your blog traffic by sharing other people’s content.

What if I told you that you could post a link to someone else’s content (maybe a popular guy in your niche) and get traffic to your website from it? Awesome right?

Your audience benefit from it because you’re sharing top notch influencer’s content. And you also benefit from it because you have the opportunity to get people back to your blog.
We all need tons of (free) blog traffic everyday and that s why I am sharing this one and yes it is free too!

This is what is all about…

Here’s how it works:

  • You go to and create a snip
  • You can add the influencer’s content URL and your URL (where you want to send people to)
  • Do some tweaking with the popup (add colors, headline etc)
  • will provide you with a unique URL
  • Just copy it and share to your social profiles and other traffic sources.
  • That’s it. Super simple!
Here is a short video explaining it all and don t forget to stat witj Snip. ly it is absolute free and this is a tool we use by ourselves and it works great, don t we just love free tools that really work?! So but first sit down and relax and watch this short video about

How To Use Sniply To Get More Traffic Back To Your Blog
So you just saw it! A Simple and easy to use and foremost free tool!
Here are some excellent results, by using this awesome tool just by posting someone s else s blog post with a Snip.Ly link in it, it works great see for yourself!
How To Use Sniply To Get More Traffic Back To Your Blog
Step 1# Sign Up to 
and sign up for an account. Don’t worry it’s free.
Step 1# Sign Up to Go to and sign up for an account. Don’t worry it’s free.
Step 2# Find popular content
Go to Google or other content research tools and look for a cool article, video, blog post from an influence r in your niche. The content should be related to the URL you want to promote. For this example I choose a blog post Did a quick google search and found a top ranked blog post that I can use.

Copy the URL and enter in
Hit the “snip” button.
Next, customize the way you would like your ‘snip’ to appear using the fields
Pick your action type and enter a powerful attention grabbing message in the “message” text box which will make people click on the button. While you play around with the settings. The preview on the bottom right of the screen will change.

Next, enter the destination URL of your content.

Hit create and copy the custom URL

Step 3# Post to social mediaNext post the copied URL to Twitter, Facebook and your other social media profiles.

When people click on the content and visit the URL. They will see a popup linking to your website.

That’s it. Simple to use and very powerful.

When posting the URL to your social media profile. Make sure to mention the author or website where you got the post.

This will make more people want to click on it. Example I post something on “a new trick to become more productive”. A few people will click on it because I’m not a productivity expert. However, If I mention that it’s a blog post from this person many people will want to know what this new trick is all about. That’s the power of

You’re using other influencer’s content to bring people back to your blog.

When someone visits your link. They will be exposed to the above popup on the lower right corner of the screen (which you really can’t miss). If they then click on the “Click Here” button. They will be moved to the blog post you had previously configured. also has tons of analytics features showing you exactly how many people clicked on the link (daily stats) and how well it converted (how many people clicked on “Click Here”).

Action Steps Sign up now and start sharing influencer’s content and increase blog traffic. It’s free and simple to use. Post your results in the comment section below
So, here you have it!

Increase Your Blog Traffic By Sharing Other People’s Content 
